
Kijk: het lukt om giften voor noodhulp binnen een paar dagen integraal naar Gaza over te maken, naar onze partner daar: de Palestinian Medical Relief Society. Hier de kwitantie. De PMRS is op dit moment druk bezig met het bezoeken van de noodopvang in de scholen waar mensen die dakloos zijn geworden moeten verblijven. Er … Lees meer


Onze vrienden van de PMRS op huisbezoek bij de gewonden die zijn ontslagen uit het ziekenhuis. Thanks for PMRS teams… Part of their work during their visit to the injured after early discharge from the hospital… (via Aed Yaghi)

Update PMRS 31 Juli

In spite of announcing a one sided ceasefire for four hours on Wednesday afternoon, Israel committed another massacre against al-Shejaeya neighborhood. An Israeli tank shell was fired at a busy market near a gas station, hitting fuel tanks of the station and killing an injuring a number of people. When people gathered to assist the … Lees meer

Update PMRS 27 juli

A twelve hour humanitarian ceasefire that was in effect on Saturday July 26th, from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, revealed the magnitude of destruction that has been inflected onto a-Shijaeya neighborhood, east of Gaza city. Homes have been leveled with the ground, and as you walk in, the smell of death surrounds you from everywhere, telling you that there are still bodies under the huge piles of rubble that have become the main component of that area.

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